A selection of my publications can be found on this page. For the full list, please refer to my Google Scholar page or my most recent CV.
Journal articles
Under review
Batur, I., Khoeini, S., Sharda, S., Magassy, T., Ye, X., & Pendyala, R. M. A Methodology for Evaluating Wellbeing Implications of Activity-Travel Engagement and Time Use Patterns. Technical paper, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, 2024.
Polzin, S., Batur, I., & Pendyala, R. M. Sustaining the Relevance of Transportation Planning and Forecasting in a Fast-Changing World. Technical paper, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, 2024.
Yu, F., Batur, I., Haddad, A. J., Hennessy, E. M., Ocana, M. G. R., Chen, C., Zhou, X., Bhat, C. R., & Pendyala, R. M. A U-Shaped Paradigm: Understanding the Impact of Telecommuting on Public Transit Ridership Before and After the Pandemic. Technical paper, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, 2024.
Alhassan, V. O., Yu, F., Batur, I., Valle, J. R. D., Magassy, T. B., Salon, D., Bhat, C. R., & Pendyala, R. M. Investigating the Influence of Alternative Survey Participant Recruitment Strategies on Measurement and Inference of Mobility Patterns. Technical paper, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, 2024.
Batur, I., Mondal, A., Alhassan, V. O., Asmussen, K. E., Bhat, C. R., & Pendyala, R. M. The Induced Demand Implications of Alternative Adoption Modalities of Automated Vehicles. Technical paper, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, 2024.
Batur, I., Asmussen, K. E., Mondal, A., Khoeini, S., Pendyala, R. M., & Bhat, C. R. Assessing the Impact of Ridehailing Service Use on Bus Ridership: A Joint Modeling Framework Accounting for Endogeneity and Latent Attitudes. Technical paper, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, 2024.
Haddad, A. J., Hwang, H., Batur, I., Pendyala, R. M., & Bhat, C. R. (2025). Walking patterns in older adults: Modeling the interplay of frequency, place, and purpose. Journal of Transport & Health, 41, 101962.
Hennessy, E. M., Wolfinbarger, J. R., Batur, I., Srivastava, N. A., Porto, M., Cotlier, G. I., Horgan, M., Searles, I., Sparks, R. M., & Chester, M. V. (2024). Changing boundaries, distributed control, and implications for transportation sustainability. Nature Portfolio Journal (npj) Sustainable Mobility and Transport, 1(1), 1-6.
Batur, I., Alhassan, V. O., Chester, M. V., Polzin, S. E., Chen, C., Bhat, C. R., & Pendyala, R. M. (2024). Understanding how extreme heat impacts human activity-mobility and time use patterns. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 136, 104431.
Anderson, S. M., Asmussen, K. E., Saxena, S., Batur, I., Pendyala, R. M., & Bhat, C. R. (2024). An investigation of dissonance in telework frequency. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 166, 104712.
Asmussen, K. E., Mondal, A., Batur, I., Dirks, A., Pendyala, R. M., & Bhat, C. R. (2024). An Investigation of Individual-level Telework Arrangements in the COVID-era. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 179, 103888.
Magassy, T. B., Batur, I., Mondal, A., Asmussen, K. E., Bhat, C. R., & Pendyala, R. M. (2023). Multidimensional Analysis of Willingness to Share Rides in a Future of Autonomous Vehicles. Transportation Research Record, 03611981231201111.
Batur, I., Dirks, A. C., Mondal, A., Bhat, C. R., & Pendyala, R. M. (2023). Does Ridehailing Use Affect Vehicle Ownership or Vice Versa? An Exploratory Investigation of the Relationship Using a Latent Market Segmentation Approach. Transportation Research Record, 03611981231179470.
Batur, I., Dirks, A. C., Bhat, C. R., Polzin, S. E., Chen, C., & Pendyala, R. M. (2023). Analysis of changes in time use and activity participation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States: Implications for well-being. Transportation Research Record, 03611981231165020.
Magassy, T. B., Batur, I., Mondal, A., Asmussen, K. E., Bhat, C. R., Salon, D., … & Pendyala, R. M. (2023). Evolution of Mode Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States: Implications for the Future of Transit. Transportation Research Record, 03611981231166942.
Batur, I., Markolf, S. A., Chester, M. V., Middel, A., Hondula, D., & Vanos, J. (2022). Street-level heat and air pollution exposure informed by mobile sensing. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 113, 103535.
Batur, I., Asmussen, K. E., Mondal, A., Khoeini, S., Magassy, T. B., Pendyala, R. M., & Bhat, C. R. (2022). Understanding Interest in Personal Ownership and Use of Autonomous Vehicles for Running Errands: An Exploration Using a Joint Model Incorporating Attitudinal Constructs. Transportation Research Record, 03611981221107643.
Magassy, T. B., Batur, I., Mondal, A., Asmussen, K. E., Khoeini, S., Pendyala, R. M., & Bhat, C. R. (2022). Influence of Mode Use on Level of Satisfaction with Daily Travel Routine: A Focus on Automobile Driving in the United States. Transportation Research Record, 03611981221088199.
Nair, G. S., Bhat, C. R., Batur, I., Pendyala, R. M., & Lam, W. H. (2020). A model of deadheading trips and pick-up locations for ride-hailing service vehicles. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 135, 289-308.
Batur, I., Bayram, I. S., & Koc, M. (2019). Impact assessment of supply-side and demand-side policies on energy consumption and CO2 emissions from urban passenger transportation: The case of Istanbul. Journal of Cleaner Production, 219, 391-410.
Batur, İ., & Koç, M. (2017). Travel Demand Management (TDM) case study for social behavioral change towards sustainable urban transportation in Istanbul. Cities, 69, 20-35.
Hwang, H., A. Haddad, I. Batur, S. Saxena, R.M. Pendyala, and C.R. Bhat. An Analysis of Walking Frequency Before and After the Pandemic. Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, August 2023.
Verma, V., A. Mondal, K.E. Asmussen, I. Batur, T.B. Magassy, C.R. Bhat, and R.M. Pendyala. A Joint Behavioral Choice Model of Carpool Formation and Frequency. Technical paper, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, August 2022.
- Dirks, A.C., I. Batur, A. Mondal, T.B. Magassy, R.M. Pendyala, A. Haddad, C.R. Bhat, C. Chen, D. Salon, M.W. Bhagat-Conway, M. Mohammadi, R. Chauhan, A. Mohammadian, and S. Derrible. Access to Food in a Severe Prolonged Disruption: The Case of Grocery and Meal Shopping During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Technical paper, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, 2022.
- Batur, I., S. Sharda, T. Kim, S. Khoeini, R.M. Pendyala, and C.R. Bhat. Mobility, Time Poverty, and Well-Being: How Are They Connected and How Much Does Mobility Matter?. Technical paper, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, 2020.
- S. Sharda, T. Kim, S. Khoeini, I. Batur, and R.M. Pendyala. Development of an Integrated Model System of Transport and Residential Energy Consumption. Technical paper, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, 2019.
- Sharda, S., S. Astroza, S. Khoeini, I. Batur, R.M. Pendyala, and C.R. Bhat. Do Attitudes Affect Behavioral Choices or Vice-Versa: Uncovering Latent Segments Within a Heterogeneous Population. Technical paper, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, 2020.
- Capasso da Silva, D., S. Astroza, I. Batur, S. Khoeini, T.B. Magassy, R.M. Pendyala, and C.R. Bhat. Are Millennials Really All That Different Than Generation X? An Analysis of Factors Contributing to Differences in Vehicle Miles of Travel. Technical paper, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Arizona State University, 2019.
Policy Briefs
Polzin, S., Batur, I., and Pendyala, R.M. CEmerging Travel Behavior Insights from 2023 National Surveys. Policy Brief, TOMNET & TBD University Transportation Centers. October 2024.
Polzin, S., Batur, I., and Pendyala, R.M. COVID Recovery? Changing Travel Behaviors? Insights From the 2022 ACS, ATUS, and CE Data Sets. Policy Brief, TOMNET & TBD University Transportation Centers. December 2023.
Polzin, S., Batur, I., and Pendyala, R.M. Changing Travel Behavior Insights from the 2021 ACS, ATUS, and CE Surveys. Policy Brief, TOMNET & TBD University Transportation Centers. March 2023.
- Batur, I. (2023). Understanding and Modeling the Nexus of Mobility, Time Poverty, and Wellbeing (Doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University).
- Batur, I. (2015). Social Behavioral Change for Sustainable Urban Transportation under TDM Concept: A Case Study of Istanbul (Master’s thesis, Istanbul Sehir University).